
SasuSaku The Sweetest DreamCh1

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Konoha. It was a foggy, cold morning. Typical for the spring telling, I'm around now. The winter was over and 5 years went by, since he decided to take another path. The last time she saw him, was about 2 years ago. She was unable to bring him back, again. She and Naruto failed for the second time. Sakura thought, now as she was an adult, grown up girl she would be able to get over that. Maybe distract herself with some new hobbies, and spending more time in the Konoah library. Yet she couldn't bring herself to do that. Her thoughts have been chasing after something else. It was the sweetest dream, that could ever be. She dreamed this dream so often. But it always ended up in a horrible nightmare. And she did know, it made no sense to force her mind to end the dream with a happy end, until it wasn't a lie anymore.
Sakura finally got out of her cosy bed. She had woken up very early. It was only 7.00 am. Weird. Somewhere outside she heard a lot of noise. That must have been what has woke her up. As she took a gaze out of the window, she couldn't see anything. Well then, she thought,  I will first take a shower to get my head free.
The workshop for the future leading physicians wouldn't start before 11 o' clock. Plenty of time left. Sakura stepped out of the douche, and the whole apartment had this lovely scent of orchid and coconut, comming from her new shampoo.
While she ate her tiny breakfast (which only contains cereals with strawberrys and milk), she watched the street from her kitchen window. Detached she saw some people heading down the Old-Oak-Road. Really different ones. Some little students on their way to Konoah Academy, some early wokers and . . . Ino. Ino, the one she had a huge averseness to for a long time. Since Ino joined Tsunades medicinal lessons the two were getting along better than ever before. Not that they were best friends or something, but they hang around often, for a quick coffee, or a beauty day at the spa. The point is, Ino was going out with Shikamaru for about 8 months now, and she had never mentioned Sasuke. Sakura knows that her friend Ino is doing her best  to distract Sakura with allday life. And she really appericates that...Maybe she hadn't mentioned it yet, but she was planning to. Perhaps with a cute Christmas card, or something. But her thoughts had disgressed. What was Ino doing in the early morning down in the streets? She was a late riser. Plus she was the ultimate morning grouch. Nothing in the world could make her leave the bed at this time. For a short moment she was about to yell down, and ask her what she was doing. But then she remembered, she was just wearing a T-shirt and nothing else, and she wouldn't want to repeat that scene she had some time ago on the balcony. An embarrassing thing. But that's an other story.

After she had ended her breakfast she went over to the living room. She and Hinata had a little party yesterday because Naruto had his 18th birthday. Sakura still has to eliminate the whole chaos. Oh god. Yesterday in the low light that „chaos“ seemed not that huge. But it can't be helped. Someone will have to clean up soon or late. Sakura  sighed loudly, then she brought her self to collect all the rubbish on the floor. While she stuffed some old photo albums up onto their shelf, out of the blue, her diary fell off. She stared at it for ages. Then she finally picked it up, and recognized that this was the only one she ever had, and she stopped writing in it when Sasuke left the village. There was nothing anymore to write about ;). Sakura put it away. But 5 minutes later she  couldn't resist and she would just read a few pages... So she went over and held it in her hands for a while. The cover was light pink, with a Writing saying: Diary. And everywhere were cherry blossoms and blue birds. It gave a really magical impression. She opened it, and she saw  the devotement. It was a birthday gift Ino gave her.. a long time ago, before they started fighting for Sasukes ass. Sakura skimmed through the pages and remembered the old times. There are some really funny entries. They had much fun in the Ninja Academy. She had almost forgotten, the way Naruto teased Sensei Iruka with his stupid „sexy-no-jutsu“ and how Ino fucked up in one of the tests. And Sasuke. Nearly each day she wrote about him. Only normal allday life stuff, like “OMG. Sasuke gave me a gentle smile today!” childish, but it was awesome to remember. As she turned the page, she saw the old photo. Team 7. Naruto, Sasuke, Sensei Kakashi and her. She giggled as she saw Narutos annoyed face. That was the best time in her life. As a team, they were working together each day. They had the most ridiculous missions. Like finding an old ladies cat (what was more difficult than they thought, the stupid cat was clever). And the Shuunin Examine. Maybe everything would have been different if Sasuke had failed early. Immersed in her memories she hardly heard the door bell ring. She startled then jumped up and stuffed the diary back onto its place. “ One minute!” she yelled. She sprinted into the sleeping room,  clutched open the  wardrobe and pulled out the first pants she saw. Then Sakura hurried to open the door. It's Ino! And for a moment she just smiled happily at her, then started to giggle sweetly. Sakura looked down at herself. Okay. She looked really stupid, in those green pants with the yellow shirt. She started to giggle too, and hugged Ino.
“Good morning” she said still giggling.
“Morning” Ino replied.
“Want a cup of tea, or better a coffee?”
“Oh yes please”
Sakura guided her friend in. Ino took off her Jacket and was still smiling. What the hell happened, Sakura was wondering. I never saw Ino awake at this time, and then she was even in a happy mood!
“Yeah?” she answered grinning. Something was wrong or what?
“It's 8.00 am, you are standing happily grinning in front of my door. That's ... unusual.”
“Yes it quite is.”
“Uhm okay” She gave Ino a quizzical look.
Ino sat down at the kitchen table under the window. It was still foggy outside.
“Tea or coffee?” She asked her guest.
“Ehrm, coffee would be great”
She bore the coffee and sat down, too. Inos smile disappeared for a second, and Sakura  was fearing now, something bad happened lately. But then she smiled again and looked  at Sakura for a moment.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, yes. Everything is fine.” Why was Ino behaving strange?
“And is there a special reason for your early visit?”
“Yes there is. But if you ask me like that, did I disturb you?” Sakura imagined her living room. It was still a chaos.
“Yes, but that's unimportant” She went over and poured 2 cups of coffee.
Ino jumped off the chair,  went over to Sakura, and she took one of the cups. They were just standing in the kitchen for a while, saying nothing, Ino smiling and Sakura thinking hardly. What was this? What could have happened? Someone died? But then why would she smile.
“It's nothing bad” Ino said, like she could read Sakuras thoughts. “Actually it's a good thing. I would tell you straight away, but I am afraid I would cause you a heart attack.” She still didn't stop smiling.
“In case of a heart attack you should know what to do!” She winked. And they both started laughing. It is so cool to have Ino as a friend. And there was nobody else she would want to spend those funny-heartwarming moments with.
“Right.” Ino replied.
“So will you tell me now?”
“Okay, but promise me not do die!" Sakura nodded seriously. “It's overwhelming.” She made a short pause. “I'm sure you already noticed the noise outside. She nodded again, still stern. “Konoah has a special guest today. And he is planning to stay here.” Sakura gave her a quizzical look. “An old friend of yours.” Sakuras eyes dilated. And she opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it again. Ino understood that Sakura had a clue who she was talking about, still she whispered softly: “Sasuke-kun” The smile on her face faded. Sakura took some time to take that in. She was looking pale and speechless. Then she dropped down her cup and fainted.

Sakura lay in on her sofa in the living room when she opened her eyes slowly. Ino was sitting on the sofa too and watching the morning programme at the TV. Ino stood up, and left the room. Sakura sat up and noticed that her head was hurting. Then she remembered. She lost hold and fainted. Something must have hit her head. From somewhere she noticed Tsunades voice. The Hokage?! Wait, oh. It's the television. Sakura looked closer and understood the scene. There was a reporter Interviewing Tsunade, and a yelling crowd in the background. The location was the place in front of the police center. The Hokage just said the word “Uchiha”. What was going on? Did the Police center have an anniversary? Ino entered the room again.
“You are awake!” Ino saw Sakuras face. Then she hurried and turned off the TV.
“You saw it?”
“Yes” Sakura replied speechlessly.
“Oh. I'm sorry. That must overwhelm you.” Ino looked on the floor.
“I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or something...”
“No problem.”
“You aren't serious.”
“Well, I think ....” Then the doorbell cut her off.
“Who's that?” Sakura gave Ino a strange look. She was about to stand up, but Ino was quicker.
“Stay there”
Then she heard the door being opened. A male, foreign voice said something like “hello”. What he hell? Who is that? Naruto, joking?
Ino was talking to that man for about 5 minutes. Sakura didn't understand what they were talking about. She went into her sleeping room and changed into her new hot pants, with those frizzy ends (she loves them) and a simply red tank top, but it made her boobs come out better and her waist really sexy. She closed the wardrobe again. Ino knocked at the door.
“Come in” Ino shoved in her smiling face and said: “Imma go now, see you at the workshop!” And then she was gone already.
This morning was absolutely weird. Never mind. She could still ask Ino later what was going on. The living room. There still was a bit of disorder. The radio in the kitchen was turned on and was singing loudly “Fascination” By Alphabet. Such a good mood song, still she turned the radio off and was wondering who turned it on. On her way to the living room, she heard water sprinkling in the douche. Someone took a shower. Wait a minute, who?! Ino was gone, she could see that, Inos jacket wasn't there anymore. Should I be worried now?! Calm, actually this must be Naruto. No idea why he was taking a shower in her apartment, but okay.
Ten minutes later the whole room looked friendly and clean again. Sakura sat down on the sofa and closed her eyes. The stereo was playing music again. But she didn't turn it on. She suddenly felt a familiar aura. She wanted to open her eyes, but something was telling her don't do it. Then she heard steps coming from the corridor. The person reached the open living room door and leaned in the doorway.
“Sakura-chan” She smelled the scent of water and damp. He took the shower.
She opened her eyes slowly and saw the person standing in the doorway. This time she wouldn't faint. Neither she would run over and throw her arms around his neck. She stayed calm on the couch. His eyes looked gentle at her and in the deep black, there was something he hadn't seen before. It was Joy. He went over and sat next to her in a cool pose. Yet she didn't say anything, and he didn't even seem surprised. Actually she would like to say so many things, but her mind was empty. Sakura didn't think anything in this moment and she was speechless. He gave her a wistfully look. This was not the best moment for hard accusations. Sakura lay her head on onto his shoulder and closed her eyes again. A hot tear was running down her cheek.
“Let you in. Obviously.” she cut him off. For another few minutes they both were quiet. Then Sakura felt an enjoyable warm hand wipe her tears away and the hand tuned her head, so she opened her eyes and looked into the pretty face she missed so much.
“Sasuke-kun” she finally said.
“Why...” he put his finger onto her lips.
“Shh.” Sakura closed her mouth again, and seconds later he came closer to kiss her. The old Sakura wouldn't hesitate a second. But she had changed.
“Stop, please...” she whined.
“Did I do something wrong?” Sakura jumped up.
“Did I do something wrong?! Are you serious?!!!”, she yelled loudly at him.
“You left me alone here, now you come back and...? AND?! What do you want!!? A one night stand to leave me again???” She ran over to her sleeping room, locked the door and threw her self on the bed.
'This selfish asshole' she was thinking madly. 'I'm not 12 anymore. I don't need him, I am a down to earth woman. I need no man' She told herself. But deep in her working mind she knew that wasn't true. Someone knocked at the door from outside and tried to open it. “Gaaah!! Piss off!! Out of my life!!” she shouted. Sakura went over to the wardrobe to put on a white hoodie jacket. Then she opened the door recklessly, went down the corridor and put on a pair of shoes.  Sasuke was moaning in pain. The door must have hit his face. Without a word she went out of the apartment, down the staircase in the street. A loud crowd was yelling outside the house. What the fuck?
“Did you see him?!” Some girl was asking obtrusively. Sakura hold her hand up to her face and ran through the foggy streets.
'I want to leave him behind me. He is still in my past, how could I forgive him?”. Hot tears were running down her cold cheeks. The young girl had no idea where she was running. She ran fast and the cold wind hit her face. I just want to forget, she said to her self. Then she ran into a person. Sakura hit the floor ruggedly. But she didn't care, she stood up at once and continued running. The person didn't even complain. Soon Sakura left the city centre behind her. The fog was even heavier out here. She slowed down her tempo, because her breath was going hard and her heart was beating fast. Then she looked around. Nobody was out there. This is the suburb of Konoah. Out here you find the training areas and the parks. Sakura must be standing in one of those parks. Over there she saw a little pond with a bench under a tree. She went over there and sat down. The bench was cold and Sakura froze. “Damn I should have put on longer pants too...” She mumbled into her jacket. Sakura was sitting there for some time on her own. She wasn't thinking anything just sitting and gasped for breath, feeling dizzy. Two dark figures were coming towards her through the fog, but she couldn't see who cause her eyes went black. The last thing she noticed, some strong arms wraped around her freezing body.

“You think she will be alright?”
“Yes, it's nothing too bad she had a circulatory collapse. Something must have drove her really angry and the blood circulation is low. So she will need to rest for the afternoon.”
Sasuke nodded stern. “Thank you very much.”
“No problem. I have to go now, but I want to have a last look, just to make sure she doesn't need to go to the hospital”
“Yes. Okay” Then the girl entered the sleeping room. She sat on the bed and felt Sakuras forehead.
“..huge forehead...” she mumbled gently. “Get well soon” She was about to stand up, but the weak Sakura held her hand.
“Ino” She whispered silent.
“What are you doing here?”
“Sasuke was worried and asked me to help searching for you”
“He did?” - “Yes, he was really caring. You fainted honey. Did something happen?”
“Well okay. Please listen to him. And don't worry about the workshop... I will excuse you.” She winked then left the room. Not a minute later I heard the door being opened and closed again. OMFG. Alone. With ... Sasuke-kun. What if Forget about it, Sakura thought. Noone came and Sakura was wondering if Sasuke was still in her apartment. But even if he came, she would have no idea how to make a conversation or not to stab him. She loved him desperately for all her life and he left her alone. He never let anyone look inside his heart. He was so cold and unreachable. What does he want after all this time? That made absolutely no sense.
Then She noticed something smelled wonderful. Sweet and... fruity. What was that? Sakura saw the diary on the small table next to her.
'My diary?!! Oh god... No!! What will I do.. if Sasuke-kun read it?? Or... INO??! Oh noo!! I wanna sink in a deep dark hole!!' She flushed red as someone knocked on the door. Sasuke-kun. Fuck. Uhm... She stuffed it under the bed quickly and jumped in the bed again. He knocked for the second time.
“Ehhrr... Come in?” she said in a weird voice.
Sasuke came in. Loaded with a tray, full of super tasty stuff. Is that pancakes?!
'OMG I would die for pancakes with hot raspberries!'
Sasuke sat on the bed and placed the tray on the blanket over her legs.
“Are you hungry?” He was asking shyly.
'Sasuke-kun is never shy O_O' she was shocked inside.
“Errr. Yes I am, actually...” She just finished her sentence, then Sasuke fed her pancakes with hot raspberries. Sakura didn't hesitate at all. She let him feed her. And she liked it. That's the cutest thing Sasuke-kun ever did to me, she smiled.
“You like it?”
“I adore pancakes with hot raspberries!!” she said enthusiastically.
“I thought so.”
“But how did you know?”
“You remember? At our first day, as Team 7, Kakashi wanted us to tell something about our selves. You told us, you liked pancakes with raspberries.”
“You remember that?” she asked in astonishment.
“I remember quite more.” He gave an awkward smile. “For example, you hit Naruto each time he used the Sexy-No-Jutsu.”
She had to giggle for a moment. But immediately it was gone.
“I remember you did never ...” She cut off before she said something bad.
They were silent for a while and Sakura ate the tasty, yummy pancakes.
“Your cooking isn't that bad. Honestly, it's really tasty.”
“Thank you. I gave my best.”
“Sasuke-kun, may I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.”
Sakura cleared her throat. “What brings you to Konoah exactly...?”
He just looked at her face. He didn't say anything, like that was the most difficult question.
“A girl.”
She nodded.
'Maybe he is after Ino. Or Hinata.'
“Hinata spoke to me earlier.”
'There. I knew it, it's Hinata' Sakura made a disappointed face.
“She told me the direction you were running, and you ran into her?”
“Oh. That. Yes. I ran into....someone, no idea who.”
Then they didn't say anything. Sakura ate the pancakes  and Sasuke watched the streets from the bed through the huge window. As Sakura had finished her meal, he took the tray back into the kitchen again. He stayed away some minutes and she thought he heard him sniffing or even crying quietly. She was afraid something was wrong with him, so she followed him into the kitchen. Now she was just wearing a long T-shirt, so she put on her pants again.
He leaned against the fridge and clenched his fist against it. And indeed there were tears on his cheeks.
“Sasuke-kun” She said as softly as she could.
"Go away! I mean it!" He shouted at her.
Anyway she walked over to him.
"What's the matter?"
"Ohw! This is none of your business!"
She noticed that he was still taller than her. He pulled his head away as she tried to wipe away the tears. She shrank back. In one motion he grabbed her arms and pushed her against the fridge. There was fear in her eyes. For a second the both were just staring at their opponent. Then he leaned forward, their bodies almost touched, and gave her his most passionate kiss. This kiss could last forever. His lips didn't leave hers, until she opened her eyes in fear and pushed him back off.
“SASUKE!!” She slapped him. “You want to kid me!!” She looked in his guilty face. “My feelings for you are the same, as they were 8 years before! I love you! I always loved you! BUT YOU DID NEVER CARE!! Even then when I told you loudly, and begged you to stay with me!! You left the village and me behind! How Could I ever forgive you? And now you want to play with me!!! You fucking..” She cut off and drubbed into her sleeping room. The door hit the door lock violently. She sat on her bed and cried tears of frustration and anger. Not a minute later Sasuke followed her. He threw the door open as brutal as Sakura closed it. He went over to the bed and pushed her down into the pillows. Sasuke almost lay on top of the girl.  He pulled out his katana and held it to her throat. She  was frightened by him and the way he was behaving suddenly.
“Is this the way you treat girls the Orochimaru way?!!” She shouted at him.
He made an affected face.
“Sakura listen” he said breathlessly “I do feel the same. I love you, I almost always have! I fell in love with you when we entered Team 7. You mean the world to me! I would give my life to see you smile! I need you like air, I treasure you, I ADORE you. You are the only one who can increase the happiness in me!! I need you... I” He stopped.
“I was a brutal monster. I should never have left you. I know now how much I really need you. I  never wanna live with out you again, and if there is a way you can ever forgive me...just say it. I would do anything. The darkness may have taken over me, but you my sweet cherry blossom, you are my light. You light up the darkness anytime you smile and laugh. Every minute I spent with you makes me become a better human and helps me to forget the past, which is chasing after me. There is no way I could ever, not love you. Be mine”
Sakura made the face that someone pulls when he is told that their grandpa died from a horrible illness. Sasuke was still holding the katana near her throat.
“Will you kill me if I don't?”
He was taken aback.
“Never I would hurt you” Still he held the katana.
“But you already did. You are the one who caused me the worst pain. And depressions.”
“I am sorry.”
“You are sorry” She repeated untouched.
“ 'I am sorry' doesn't hit the bulls eye, what?”
“Not really.”
“What can I do to make you smile”
“For a start you could stop holding a knife to my throat.” He removed it at once. He looked like a dog, waiting for his lordling, to give him further instructions.
“Sasuke, I love you. My love for you is unconditional.”
“You forgive me?”
“Yeah. My love is much stronger than my hate.”
“You hate me??”
“Deep inside, yes. A little.” He pulled a face.
“I'm just being honest” she smiled innocent.
He started kissing her neck softly. Then he whispered:
“Actually... I burnt the first 3 pancakes...” Sakura had to giggle.
“I will also forgive you that.”
She didn't resist anymore. She just let it happen.
Sasuke gave her long, deep, passionate, warm kisses. Those sort, which makes the butterflies in your tummy go crazy, and your heart skip beats. She closed her eyes and Sasuke lay on her now. He stroke her tummy gently under the red shirt and kissed her decolleté. She felt that her pants were unzipped and the strong hand wandered at her back to open up her bra. Sakura kissed him softly on the mouth then deep and full of love.
“You taste like cherry” Sasuke whispered in the time between the kisses.
“Never leave me again” She whispered back and a tear rolled down her cheek. He noticed immediately and kissed it away softly.
“I promise, never again”  then he turned and Sakura lay on top of him. Their lips where united again and she slowly unbuttoned his white top.
'THIS IS the sweetest dream....' she thought full of joy.
“...that could ever be...” Sasuke completed the sentence, like he would have read her thoughts.
“I'm yours” Sakura whispered
“I love you”
And the both dreamed the sweetest dream ever, together this time. With the sweetest happy end for both.
I would love the couple Sakura and Sasuke. It's sad the manga doesn't support my wish^^. So I went on with the story with my own happy end. I think its quite a cute idea and I'd love to see a Sasuke like that in the manga :O or better.. as my boyfriend xD

Love Story! Sasusaku :3. It's painful but of course with a happy end, and I think its quite humorous too c:

Took me ages to write it. It's rather a long story than a short one. Lawl^^ but I am very pleased with the result, and I promise if you are brave enough to read it, the story won't disappoint you!

Naruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto

I borrowed the art from ~Polly-chan!
© 2009 - 2024 ElleSakura
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